Green Valley Railroad Club
T-TRAK Subdivision
The Actual Operations Session
We should be able to have a complete operations session with meets and switching moves. Each train will have a timetable
listing when they arrive and depart from each location. Pick-ups and set-outs will need to be simplified as car numbers are so difficult to read in N-scale;
"if the designated spot is empty, leave a car; if the designated spot already has a car present, pick-up that car." We will need to be sure that the OPSmod
has a suitable run-around-track and car storage areas before enabling facing-point turnouts. Train crews will need to manage their
own meets. The planned two-hour is about right for a "show" layout as we will have many new and/or unexperienced operators who will be learning on the job.
All Yellow Loops are available all day for participant train running.
- Have three operating sessions each day (need to adjust times to allow for other convention activities, such as banquets, and so on)
- 8am-11am – Morning bi-directional session (meets), half-hour setup/training, two-hour OPS session, half-hour cleanup
- 1pm-4pm – Afternoon single-directional session (no meets), half-hour setup/training, two-hour OPS session, half-hour cleanup
- 7pm-10pm – Evening bi-directional session (meets), half-hour setup/training, two-hour OPS session, half-hour cleanup
- The Red Line will be available at all times for general participant running except from 8-11am and 7-10pm