Green Valley Railroad Club
T-TRAK Subdivision


Terminal OPSmods

Passenger trains originate and terminate at terminals. By their very nature, terminals are very, very large. Assuming that each terminal originates a new passenger train about every 20-25 minutes, only 4-6 trains can be built per operating session per terminal.
NOTE: this Pass-through terminal is seven doubles wide; and may still be too small. Locomotives will not be turned. Only small changes to the consist can be made given the track configuration.
NOTE: this Stub-end terminal is contains more than 40 single-module-equivalents. Construction will probably require a large club. However, this OPSmod will permit full-featured passenger operations in a way that nothing smaller will allow.

Do you need help designing or building an OPSmod? Send an email to: We need many model railroaders to build OPSmods if we are to have true prototypical operations.