Green Valley Railroad Club
T-TRAK Subdivision


Large Industrial OPSmods

Large industrial OPSmods are built to a full depth of 732mm. Every OPSmod (except Stations and Interchanges) must have a passing siding and, where possible, a station. Again, the minimum size of an industrial switching area is eight single modules wide because of the need for passing sidings that can hold about 15-16 cars. These large industrial areas should have enough switching volume and complexity to keep a train crew busy for at least two hours.

NOTE: these large industrial switching areas have much more operational capacity then an OPSmod that is only a single module deep. In addition to the passing siding, a station, located on the Red Line (perhaps on a junction module) that is not part of the switching area of the OPSmod, is desirable.
NOTE: this is a typical large industrial OPSmod that is only eight singles wide. There is room for at least 12-15 spots. This is one of just a few OPSmods where construction details are provided: red outlines. It could be built with four full-depth double modules forming the junctions, two shallow-depth double modules in the center at the top, and a single expanded-depth quad module in the bottom center.
NOTE: this port scene is five double modules wide.

Do you need help designing or building an OPSmod? Send an email to: We need many model railroaders to build OPSmods if we are to have true prototypical operations.